Thursday, December 1, 2011

The President's Challenge

As I've said in previous posts, I plan on participating in a physical fitness test toward the end of December and documenting my results before I start on my Burpee adventure. Although there are literally thousands of variations of tests you can choose from online, I figured why not go with one that's been certified by the president himself. Below is the link to "The President's Challenge : Adult Fitness Test".

If you follow the link and click on "take the adult fitness test", then click on the data collection form link, you will be able to see the different exercises the test requires. Now there's obviously not a lot to this test, but it covers the basic exercises that everyone should be able to do effectively without feeling like they're having a heart attack afterward. Along with the fitness test, I will be having a physical performed by my doctor as well. I'll post the results once they are measured.

Since I'm doing "The President's Challenge", I thought I'd leave you with a presidential quote from John F. Kennedy:

"Physical Fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."

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