Monday, August 20, 2012

Losing Focus

This week started out like any other. I got up each morning, had breakfast, went to work, yadda yadda yadda. However, by Wednesday night, I knew something wasn't right with my body. You see, my wife and my kids and I had just got back from a two and a half week marathon of family vacations. I know, I know. Shed a tear for me.

Vacation?! How unfortunate.

Over the course of those two and a half weeks, we spent some time in two of the most germ infested places anyone can think of: an airplane and a baby pool. Obviously, anyone who's been on a plane before, knows unless you wear a hazmat suit, you aren't leaving that plane without, at the very least, a little cough.

And don't even get me started on the baby pool at the "world famous" Schlitterbahn... After sitting in that pool with my daughters for a few hours, I felt like I needed to take a bath in anti-bacterial hand sanitizer. If anyone has seen the South Park episode titled "Pee", you'll know exactly what I'm talking about...

So, long story short, my week was derailed by the black lung and my face feeling like it was going to explode due to whatever sickness I picked up along the way. Luckily it didn't, but I'm still recovering. Anyway, my results from this past week are listed below:

DateWorkoutSetsTotal Time (Morning)Total Time (Night)Beak Time Per SetTotal Burpees

8/14/2012Ladder1519 min 31 sec19 min 45 sec60 sec240
8/15/2012Ladder1519 min 37 sec  REST60 sec120

8/17/2012Ladder1519 min 36 sec19 min 39 sec60 sec240


I'll leave you with a quote today that I hope motivates me in these last few months to push through any wimpy sickness or pain I may be feeling and finish strong. This quote is from an old Latin proverb:

"In times of sickness, the soul collects itself anew."


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